Happy 2017 from me here!! Its been long since I posted I've just been busy with my education. It's a new year and New beginnings are the key for survival. Creating
new beginnings demands not just the wisdom, but
also the ability to create room for error. I’m not advocating for
mediocrity or room for failure, but the wise allowance of the fact that
things may not always turn out the way we expected. Never repeat the
mistakes that have brought you where you are. Remember God is in control
but you are in charge! Budget for the mistakes next time; life is never
perfect. If you are expecting a problem free life, that’s both
unrealistic and deceiving. Expect and anticipate shortfalls and deficits
and plan for them in advance.
When challenges are expected and adequately prepared for, they lose the
potency of their damage. People let you down and unexpected
disappointments may cripple you down but you should not allow a bend in
the road become the end of the road.
Forget all the gun fires and the bombs and moments that you almost took
off and focus on how to make the best out of this opportunity. The road
may seem impassable but the destination must remain the same. Don't wait but start now!!☺☺