Inside a matatu...

Recently I boarded a 111 matatu, Vercase, and I was out of bundles so I decided to observe the various behaviors of the passengers. I managed to analyze the passengers and categorized them into various categories:
  •   The Diva
This kind of passenger will enter into a matatu and spot a seat in most cases near a good looking dude. On reaching at the spotted seat, she would open her purse take out her tissue and wipe the seat then pull her skirt and finally sit down. After some time the diva would take out a mirror, make her hair, balm her lips and finally take out a bottle of cheap cologne and apply. Afterwards she takes out her Techno phone and takes selfies then posts them on IG.
The Musician
This type of passenger would lip sync to each and every song playing in the matatu. He would tap the legs and bob their heads on every song playing. He will also lip sync to the effects of DJ Aslan mixes and also the beats of house music.
  • The Sleeper
This passenger would sleep from the start of the journey until his destination where the conductor will have to wake him up. This passenger normally has many different sleeping positions. This is the type of passenger you would sit next to and he would put his head on your shoulder giving you an opportunity to punch him but of course that wouldn’t be the case if it was a hot chillez or dude sitting next to you.
  • The Gossipers
These are often women who would start talking about this guy who sent her a follow request on IG or their neighbor fought yesterday over food or even their friend who still uses a kabambe. All these stories were followed by a nasty laugh that would even awaken the matatu sleeper and draw all the matatu passengers.
  • The Stinky One
This passenger would enter a matatu and draw everyone’s attention because of the scent coming from him. They have a combined smell of their deodorant plus their sweat. They have a mindset polluted by the fact a human being is not a fish which lives in water.
  • The storyteller
This passenger will always start a conversation by saying hi to the seatmate. This proceeds on with a story of how their day has been and the way their watchman is always looking at her. She will continue by telling you on how the food she ate yesterday tasted badly which made her vomit and some irrelevant issues. The one being told the stories will keep silent as a sign that the stories are boring but the story teller will still continue with her stories.
  • The vendor
This passenger will read the newspaper all along the trip even if he feels sleepy. When you borrow them the newspaper they will refuse to give it claiming that they aren’t finished reading. They are stuck to the obituaries page for like thirty minutes. They will waft over the newspaper when the stinky one passes by.
  • The Peacock
This passenger would enter into a matatu and show off his newly purchased phone in Riverroad. He would show you all the features of his phone. He would then call his pal over the phone and brag on how he’s in intercontinental Hotel enjoying life. In addition he would tell his pal to take care of his Range Rover and Mercedes Benz automobiles. At the end of the trip you would be laughing out loud because of the lies the peacock has been telling.
  • The Observer
This is the typical passenger who would sit down  quietly and look at the types passengers in the matatu then goes on to write about them. That’s me, the observer.
So in which category do you fall under?

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